Data disposal

Privacy is Mirec’s top priority. We understand that data carriers may contain sensitive information. We dispose data using a method that makes it irreparable and irretrievable before equipment or devices are given a second chance.

Irreversibly wiping data

Mirec offers advanced data wiping services to thoroughly and safely remove data from physical and other data carriers. The data is processed until it is irreparable and irretrievable, which gives the equipment an opportunity for reuse.

Carefree service

We alleviate responsibilities and worries of our clients by providing our extensive services, ranging from logistical solutions to registrations and reporting.


We’re a WEEELABEX / Cenelec certified electronics recycler and a reliable partner in reclaiming natural resources.


The safety of our team and our clients is at the core of our business. We’ve achieved certification regarding our processes to ensure safety.

Compliant disposal

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), also known as AVG (Algemene Verordening Gegevens Bescherming) in The Netherlands, contains strict regulation concerning information and privacy. The data disposal service offered by Mirec guarantees that these requirements are met during the process.

Certified and guaranteed data disposal

We dispose of data using the highest standards. We comply with strict norms and protocols such as GDPR. We also offer a certificate of disposal or destruction if requested.

Our certificates

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Net Zero organisatie


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