Infinite and future proof

The natural resources inventory is depleting, while at the same time the need for electronics keeps increasing. To protect the planet against exhaustion, we extract natural resources from disposed electr(on)ic devices.

According to the Global e-waste monitor report, about 54 million tons of electronic devices are discarded annually. This is a growing problem. Estimations show that this figure will increase to 74 million tons by the year 2030. This trend emphasizes the necessity of a circular economy in light of climate and health risks – Antonis Mavropoulos, ISWA President. That’s why we promote the reuse and safe processing of these products, instead of discarding them.

The retention of natural resources by recycling electronics is environmentally responsible, but Mirec is also socially responsible. At the core of our business is MVO (Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen – Socially Responsibly Entrepreneurship), in which we care mostly about general well-being. Our constant attention to safety, awareness, and progress can make a difference and contributes to a greener future. Mirec also proudly offers employment to people with a general disadvantage in the employment market. Together we can make a difference. 

Mirec is a WEEELABEX / Cenelec certified electronic recycler. This means we are commited to the highest of standards, and a reliable partner in reclaiming natural resources. Our advanced processes make for an environmentally friendly manner of recycling electronics. On a larger scale, we reclaim natural resources and reduce CO2 emissions. This makes Mirec the center of a circular economy and helps to reduce the overall environmental impact.

Veilig en
verantwoord voor alles

At Mirec, we offer a safe workplace for our employees and partners, in which the well-being and personal development of people plays a central role. Mirec is a company where development never ends. We do significant investments into trainings and into improving labor conditions. Mirec stimulates a positive company culture and makes their employees and partners feel valued and supported. After all, the voice of our employees and partners is what makes a difference.

Our certificates

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Net Zero organisatie


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